Nature tours in southern Kazakhstan, Tours in South Kazakhstan

Nature of Southern Kazakhstan

Nature tours in southern Kazakhstan

South Kazakhstan | El-tourism

      It so happened both historically and for natural reasons that in the southern part of Kazakhstan concentrated most of the country's attractions. Any resident of Kazakhstan knows about the most popular places in the Southern region and wants to visit there at least once. For people who were born and spent their teens in the territory of the Kazakh SSR, these are primarily places such as: Medeo (a high-mountain skating rink located in the city of Almaty), the mausoleum of Kozha Ahmed Yassaui (a holy place located in Turkestan), Charyn canyon (located in the Almaty region), as well as Issyk Lake, which was extremely popular in Soviet times. Young people of Kazakhstan, of course, are attracted by the South Capital of Kazakhstan - Almaty, its nightlife, developed infrastructure, the same high-mountain skating rink Medeo and Chimbulak.

      These places are far from all that the southern part of our homeland is rich in; moreover, this is not even half of everything that you can see and with which you can get carried away by local tourism.

South Kazakhstan Tours | El-tourism

      Nature tours in southern Kazakhstan is quite large and originates from the shores of Lake Balkhash in the north and extends up to the Tien Shan mountain ranges and to the area belonging to the Aral Sea in the west. Even if you are able to devote for conquering all the significant places, historical monuments and natural riches of South Kazakhstan, even if the season is different, then most likely you will not have enough time to learn all the secrets and see enough of the beauties of South Kazakhstan. Even if you live on the road from place to place, these lands are so rich.

      Of course, if you have the opportunity to go in for tourism, and all you know about the treasures and natural wonders of our country are their names that you once heard from the bottom of your ear, then independent tourism will be a serious test for you. A huge variety of places where you want to get to, where you want to visit and imbued with a historical or natural atmosphere, simply - simply turn your head. And from hundreds of routes, trails and hidden areas from an unarmed look or the availability of information from a place, your head can “burst”.

What to do if you want to go on tourism in Nature tours in southern Kazakhstan, but don’t know anything about it?

Tourism of South Kazakhstan | El-tourism

      We offer you an excellent way out of the situation - use our travel service "El - tourism"! Thanks to our service, you can find a lot of exciting tours for yourself, both in South Kazakhstan and in Kazakhstan as a whole! Moreover, it will be much more comfortable and interesting than if you started to travel on your own, and it often happens that a trip with a travel agency is cheaper than an independent one, but includes a lot more.

      Not only will you be taken to a desired place in comfortable conditions, you will be told all the stories and shown to all hidden significant places by professional guides. Another important plus of such a trip is the opportunity to find the same novice enthusiasts who also recently decided to go in for tourism, you can find like-minded people and travel with your new friends!

How to book a tour of South Kazakhstan?

      Everything is quite simple and easy:

  1. Go to the service "El - tourism".
  2. Choose the tour suitable for you to the place you are interested in.
  3. Pay it in two clicks on-line.
  4. Collect the necessary things for the trip.
  5. Arrive at the collection point at the appointed time.

      “El - tourism” - we are trying to make domestic tourism more convenient and affordable for every resident or guest of our country!

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